
O.D.I.N requires the installation of prerequisites in different ways, however, it is relaxed about the version of those.

This tutorial is provided based on the assumption that you are running an Unix system, but is otherwise very generic.

The most stable and simplest way to install all O.D.I.N’ dependencies is Anaconda, and we also support Python package manager pip. We recommend using the cutting-edge development version of O.D.I.N, which is constantly updated at our GitHub repository.

A rather straightforward way to install the GitHub repository is:

  $ pip install git+git:// \


If you don’t have administrative rights, you can install the package to your $HOME using the --user. If you want to update O.D.I.N, simply repeat the first part of command with the --upgrade switch to pull the latest version from GitHub.


O.D.I.N is operated on 2 different backends for creating computational graph, these are: Theano and tensorflow. The requirements.txt will install Theano by default.


O.D.I.N’ requirements include

  • Theano, as computational backend, for pretty much everything
  • [or] tensorflow, as computational backend, for pretty much everything
  • numpy, is used for tensor manipulation, linear algebra, and scientific computing.
  • scipy, as a mathematics and signal processing toolkits.
  • six, to support both Python 2 and 3 with a single codebase

We develop using the bleeding-edge version of Theano, and latest stable version of tensorflow, so it is important to install the right Theano and tensorflow version that support O.D.I.N following this instruction pip or Anaconda.


O.D.I.N provides identical interface to both Theano and tensorflow. User can switch the backend on-the-fly with zero modification in the code.

External requirements for signal processing:

  • SIDEKIT, is an open source package for speech processing, especially for Speaker and Language recognition.
  • resampy, resampling library for signal processing
  • imageio, is a Python library that provides an easy interface to read and write a wide range of image and video data.
  • PIL, adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter.
  • spacy, is an industrial-strength natural language processing engine.
  • matplotlib, is a plotting library for visualization.


All of these packages are not required for running neural network API in O.D.I.N, they are only involved in the data preprocessing pipeline. The computational backend is developed independently from data preprocessing API which makes O.D.I.N flexible but versatile.

Dependencies via Anaconda

Anaconda or Miniconda can be used as package management for setting up O.D.I.N development environment. The simplest way is fetching the latest version of Miniconda from, the installation can be finished with one command:

bash Miniconda[2]-latest-[MacOSX]

The python version (or Miniconda version) can 2 or 3, and the OS can be MacOSX, Linux, or Windows.

A complete python environment for Miniconda is provided here. After downloading the environment.yml provided in folder ai-linux or ai-osx, execute following command:

conda env create -f=/path/to/environment.yml

This will install all the necessary packages for you to run O.D.I.N or developing machine learning algorithm in general. After the installation progress finished,you can activated the environment by:

source activate ai

where ai is the name of our environment.


If you want to manually install all the dependencies via conda, we recommend you take a look at our channel, or you can simply include -c trung when running conda install. The channel is up-to-date, and especially optimized for Theano developers.

Dependencies via pip

O.D.I.N currently supports both Python 2.7 or 3.4. Please install Python via the package manager of your operating system if it is not included already.

Python includes pip for installing additional modules that are not shipped with your operating system, or shipped in an old version, and we will make use of it below. We recommend installing these modules into your home directory via --user, or into a virtual environment via virtualenv.

O.D.I.N requires numpy of version 1.10 or above, and Theano also requires scipy 0.11 or above. In order to install a specific version of pip package:

$ pip install numpy==1.11.2

To install a list of all required packages for O.D.I.N:

$ pip install -r

Numpy/scipy rely on a BLAS library to provide fast linear algebra routines. They will work fine without one, but a lot slower, so it is worth getting this right (but this is less important if you plan to use a GPU).


Pip may try to install or update NumPy and SciPy if they are not present or outdated. However, pip’s versions might not be linked to an optimized BLAS implementation. To prevent this from happening make sure you update NumPy and SciPy using your system’s package manager (e.g. apt-get or yum), or make sure to have development headers for your BLAS library installed (e.g., the libopenblas-dev package on Debian/Ubuntu) while running the installation command.

If the installation crashes with ImportError: No module named numpy.distutils.core, install NumPy and try again again.

Development installation

If you want to contribute to O.D.I.N, or write your own version of O.D.I.N, you can install the framework from source. This is often referred to as editable or development mode. Firstly, you can obtain the latest source code from GitHub using:

git clone

It will be cloned to a subdirectory called odin. Make sure to place it in some permanent location, as for an editable installation, Python will import the module directly from this directory and not copy over the files.

To install the O.D.I.N package itself, in editable mode (add --user to install it to your home directory), run:

pip install --editable .

Alternatively, you can add the path to odin repository to $PYTHONPATH variable

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/Users/trungnt13/libs/odin

Optional: If you plan to contribute to O.D.I.N, you will need to fork the O.D.I.N repository on GitHub. This will create a repository under your user account. Update your local clone to refer to the official repository as upstream, and your personal fork as origin:

git remote rename origin upstream
git remote add origin<your-github-name>/odin.git

If you set up an SSH key, use the SSH clone URL instead:<your-github-name>/odin.git.

You can now use this installation to develop features and send us pull requests on GitHub, see Principles!


If you want to build a local copy of the documentation, you need Sphinx-doc 1.4 or above, and follow the instruction at documentation development guidelines.

GPU support

If you are using Theano backend, the support for GPU is transparent and totally managed by O.D.I.N Running the code using GPU requires NVIDIA GPU with CUDA support, and some additional software for Theano to use it.

However, you need to build specific version of tensorflow that is enabled for GPU support. You can find more information at `this instruction <`_.


Install the latest CUDA Toolkit and possibly the corresponding driver available from NVIDIA:

Closely follow the Getting Started Guide linked underneath the download table to be sure you don’t mess up your system by installing conflicting drivers.

After installation, make sure /usr/local/cuda/bin is in your PATH, so nvcc --version works. Also make sure /usr/local/cuda/lib64 is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH, so the toolkit libraries can be found.


NVIDIA provides a library for common neural network operations that especially speeds up Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Again, it can be obtained from NVIDIA (after registering as a developer):


O.D.I.N uses cuDNN’ convolution kernel by default, hence, it is required if you want to use convolutional neural network. We also provide support cuDNN’ recurrent neural network (RNN), which is significantly faster than traditional implementation of RNN.

To install cuDNN, copy the *.h files to /usr/local/cuda/include and the lib* files to /usr/local/cuda/lib64.


It requires a reasonably modern GPU with Compute Capability 3.0 or higher; see NVIDIA’s list of CUDA GPUs.

To check whether it is found by Theano, run the following command:

python -c "from theano.sandbox.cuda.dnn import dnn_available as d; print(d() or d.msg)"

It will print True if everything is fine, or an error message otherwise. There are no additional steps required for Theano to make use of cuDNN.

For tensorflow, you can link cuDNN to your installation by following this instruction.